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The Use of Virtual Reality in Entertainment Sphere

18:27, 28 Гру 2017 · Категорія: Наука · Переглядів 1183 · 

In the entertainment industry, a new direction has been actively developing for the last several years - virtual and augmented realities, which is of great interest and is in high demand. Every day there are new areas of application, today the most developed are:

Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality

• Cinemas with virtual reality, equipped with numerous devices that simulate smells, sensations, showing the picture.
• Computer rooms, equipped almost the same way, but there is no specific equipment.
• Advanced best real money casino online, using individual equipment.

The Common Technology for Creating a Virtual Reality
For immersion in virtual reality, a huge amount of expensive technology is produced that simulates sounds, temperature, aromas, changes the position of the body, etc. But, whatever one may say, the perception of reality occurs through visual contact, so the main device for immersion in a fantasy world is 3D glasses. They are expensive and won’t be universally distributed. There is a second drawback to them - the large weight of the device. Using glasses, the user quickly gets tired and the entertainment no longer delivers pleasure. For example, sessions in cinemas with virtual reality last only about 10-15 minutes.

To maximize the realistic transfer of effects, additional equipment is installed for smells, sounds, simulated temperature differences, changes in body position. For this, high-tech chairs with many built-in functions are installed. At the right moment they tilt, rotate, vibrate, simulate electric shocks, heat, cool - that is, provide tactile sensations.

The steepest and most advanced cinema halls set up odor-making equipment that injects flavors and changes them at the right time - this is a complex and expensive process.

Equipment for Arrangement of Cinemas
It is the cinemas that use the most modern, technological, and expensive equipment. In the halls of no more than 10 seats, where each of them is equipped with additional devices: a helmet, glasses, devices for aromatization, wind imitation, splashes, temperature drops – the virtual reality is created. However, because of the high cost of new technologies they are not distributed as quickly as fans of computer games would want.

Virtual Reality in Online Casinos
Playing a casino for some people is a fairly intimate process. Many prefer complete confidentiality and closeness, and therefore choose the game in their home environment using a computer, smartphone or tablet. Now, users have the opportunity to experience the atmosphere of a real casino without leaving home. To do this, you need to have a desktop device, install a browser that supports this technology, or the appropriate software.

The virtual reality of the casino is somewhat different from 3D cinemas. In the halls you are transported to an absolutely different, fantastic and enchanting world. In online casino, on the contrary, the atmosphere reigns as close as possible to the real. In many respects this is facilitated by the presence of a live dealer, that is, a croupier who directs the game. Such entertainment appeared several years ago and compiled a competition for traditional play slots for fun. And this was the first stage of introducing technology in the field of gaming. To feel the full presence you need to have those panoramic glasses.

It will take time to ensure that they are actively used, since not everyone can afford an expensive gadget. We will wait for more accessible and universal offers from advanced developers!

Equipment for Computer Rooms
Rooms with computer games are equipped almost the same way as the cinema halls, the exception is equipment for simulating smells, airflow, precipitation and similar effects. Games that one can play at home gradually get active distribution. One will need virtual reality glasses for them.

The Future Is Virtual Reality – it’s a Fact!
It is already clear that virtual reality has taken a root in the entertainment industry and continues to develop actively. The fantasy world allows you to plunge into a different reality and get new emotions. Those who get acquainted with another reality for the first time, experience an inexpressible delight.

If you want to get new sensations and impressions, first try playing online roulette at PlayShangriLa.com. The presence of a live dealer, realistic graphics, and beautiful design are fundamentally different from traditional computer games with ordinary graphics.


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